#HealthWellWithEcoWell: We’ve Got Your Health And Wellness Covered, Here’s How!

When India got hit by Covid-19, no one anticipated that the whole situation would turn out like this. People were making bold claims like it won’t last here because of the tropical climate of India, and well, fall is right around the corner.

We still haven’t gotten a cure, so prevention is the only way to survive this pandemic. Amid Covid lies severe anxiety, stress and panic as to what one should and shouldn’t do. Researchers emphasize on the role of strong immunity and other preventions that can possibly save you from getting hit by the virus.

That said,

We’ve covered the two significant and essential aspects of your health- Water consumption as well as fruit and vegetable consumption.

It’s no news that drinking clean and pure water has various benefits. But what if this clean and pure water also ensures strong immunity? Our water purifiers provide precisely that! They do so due to the RO alkaline filtration.

So, you’ll be getting a lot more than just clean water to drink. Because of the Alkaline purification feature, our water purifiers consist of all the advantages that are attached to Alkaline. Alkaline water is often regarded as an immunity booster, and it has magnesium as well as calcium- both of which keep your bones healthy.

Furthermore, Alkaline water has become one of the latest trends in the health department and rightly so! It has ultra-hydrating properties and also helps to neutralize the acidity in your body. Acidity is caused by poor diet, stress and environmental toxins so by neutralizing acidity; it contributes to your immune system.

Consequently, Buying fruits and vegetables around this time can be tricky and taxing. Since fruits and vegetables come in contact with many people before you buy them, it’s only apparent that cleaning before consuming is essential.

But how do you clean them properly? And what are the standards of proper cleaning? Also, when do you know they are clear and good enough to eat?

At this point, taking precautionary measures is the only way to not test positive for covid. But rigorously washing fruits and vegetables is bound to make you feel tired and exhausted. There is no one ideal way to clean them and using so much water will only lead to more wastage which we simply can’t afford given the global water crisis. So, we have the perfect solution!

Our cutting edge technology has enabled us to provide you with maximum benefit at minimum price. Surely if you browse through the internet, you’ll find several fruit and vegetable detoxifiers, but they’ll be available at a hefty price.

Our model EWI009 comes with an inbuilt vegetable detoxifier. Not only will it ensure that you’re drinking clean water but also take care of your fruits and vegetables. Basically, you’d be shooting two birds with one stone.

Purchase Wisely! Stay Safe!

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