Importance of Water Purification & Filtration

Nobody can deny the fact that water is essential for the optimum functioning of our body. It’s the main constituent of all the primary body fluids present in our system. These include blood, salvia as well as synovial fluid.

It’s essential to consume water not only because it quenches your thirst but because it contains trace elements and minerals in an ionized form. Since these minerals are already in the form of ions, their absorption by our digestion system becomes much easier.

Consequently, regular water contains essential minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium. You can always count on it for improving the efficiency of your digestive system. Minerals provide multiple health benefits and are important for good skin, healthy hair, as well as strong teeth. They help to strengthen the bones, lower blood pressure levels and irregular heartbeats as well as improve overall blood circulation in the system.

But you can’t consume water straight up from the tap since there’s the other, not-so-healthy side as well. Water also contains harmful toxins, chemicals, dissolved salts and whatnot.

So, consuming water without filtering it is most likely to have a disastrous impact on your health. Consuming unclean, contaminated water can lead to diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid and Dysentery.

The only way out is to eradicate all the toxins from the water, and at the same time retain the essential minerals- something Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purifiers are excellent at.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purifiers are fit to work with dirty/ contaminated water and can have up to 90% TDS reduction (highest among all the other purification methods).
Unlike others, it’s also capable of removing the dissolved salts present in the water.

Almost all the purification methods remove harmful bacteria but only Reverse Osmosis (RO) can eliminate the dead microbes as well.

How does it work so efficiently?

Through a semipermeable membrane. That’s right; a semipermeable membrane is used to remove the large particles and even the dissolved germs, viruses as well as bacteria. This way dissolved salts are left out carefully while only water molecules are able to move into the other side of the membrane. Most importantly, it does so while retaining all the essential minerals present in the water.

Perhaps, this is the reason why it’s often considered as the most reliable water purification method out there.

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