Reasons Why You Should Avoid Bottled Water

Drinking from bottled water is relatively conventional nowadays. Water cans are the new normal; however, it’s not the smartest way to quench your thirst! When it comes to bottled water, the bad side outweighs the good one.

Excess consumption of bottled water can lead to some disastrous environmental and financial consequences.

Here’s a list of reasons why you should avoid consuming bottled water:

It’s not all that cost-friendly

Water cans require daily investment; that is, you have to head out almost every other day to purchase water only so that you have clean water to drink. Don’t you think it’s better to opt for a more reliable option for a necessity like water? Moreover, what are you going to do in case of emergencies? There’s only a limited amount that water can contain, so what if it runs out? Think about it. Water is essential for survival, so investing in the right means it is the smartest option; consider a water purifier instead!

Unauthentic Source and Storage Issue

One can’t vouch for the authenticity of water that these water cans hold- how reliable and secure are their resources? And are you even getting contaminant-free water to drink? After all, it’s the container that is part of a larger problem as well. There’s a good chance that water cans contain regular water- filled with germs, dissolved salts, bacteria, and viruses. Moreover, storing empty plastic water cans isn’t the kind of home decor that will please your eyes, so scrape this option out!

Higher the consumption of bottled water, the higher the pollution!

Have you ever heard of the great pacific garbage patch? It’s the water area between the US and Japan. In this area, the most significant contributor to garbage is plastic. Consequently, almost all the water containers are made out of plastic. Given the current rate of waste these containers produce, plastic pollution is bound to increase and cause disastrous effects on the environment. Moreover, a considerable chunk of these used plastic water bottles does not even get recycled- which means we won’t get rid of this plastic even after 500 hundred years!
Yet another damaging invention of the modern world!

It’s not good for your health

Drinking water at regular intervals can indeed do wonders for your health and skin. You must drink water to function at the optimum level. However, drinking water that’s stored in plastic may be a problem. Plastic contains Bisphenol A or BPA, which does no good to your body. Some brands market their product with a BPA- free label, but you can’t rely on these claims. Moreover, because water is stored in a chemically produced plastic container for an extended period, it may not taste better than tap water.

There are better alternative options

Honestly, bottled water is yet another way to make us lazier and less responsible. How hard is it to carry a regular water bottle? Not difficult at all. We all need to be slightly more active and consciously make better decisions. Small things always add up to the significant issues, so it’s better to be mindful of where you allocate your resources.

Innovation and technology are continually trying to make us lazier to increase our dependence on wasteful products like water cans or bottled water. There’s a dark side to everything, and we should be aware of the level to which we’re dependent on these luxuries.

Stick to water purifiers and steel bottles; it’s cost-effective, reliable, and solve most of the water problems you may get from using can water regularly.

Stay Safe!

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