#SwitchToNewHabits: Water Cans To Water Purifiers, Tap Water To Inbuilt Detoxifier!

It’s about time that you modify your choices, especially the ones that are vital for your health and wellness.

Clean water should ideally be accessible to every single human being; however, this notion is nowhere close to reality. It’s no news that the water crisis is real and of utmost importance.

According to a 2017 report, about 76 million people in India do not have access to clean water. To these people, something as basic and essential as clean water is a luxury item.

Furthermore, a huge chunk of rural India is still not familiar with safe water as the majority of areas continue to survive without having proper water facilitations.

So, consider yourself lucky if you have clean water to use. That said, if you’re one of those water can people it’s time to introspect just a little bit.

Water Cans are probably not the right choice if you’re looking for clean and pure drinkable water. In fact, how many of us are even sure of its water source? It doesn’t guarantee the purity that a water purifier provides. Furthermore, it lacks other health benefits as well as additional features.

One of the main reasons why anyone would prefer water cans over water purifiers is money. Many can’t afford a water purifier and hence cling on to water cans, and this is where Eco Well saves the day!

Lets #SwitchToNewHabits, we’re offering highly economical water purifiers that ensure maximum purity. Water purifiers that take care of your health by providing absolutely clean and safe water at an affordable price.

Now let’s move to the current issue- Covid-19 crisis and Safety Measures!

Coronavirus outbreak has made everyone more cautious than ever. Buying fruits and vegetables can be tricky- especially around this time. Fruits and Vegetables cannot be manufactured through machines; they require human intervention. So, it’s only obvious that cleaning them before consuming is important.

But how do you clean them properly? What’s proper? And when do you know they are clear enough to eat? After all, Wondering how many hands must’ve touched them isn’t the most pleasant way to kill time.

The only solution we know so far is prevention. Taking precautionary measures is the only way to not test positive. Now, everybody’s favourite pastime activity is washing fruits and vegetables properly. Spending way too much time on different ways of cleaning to ensure it’s safe to consume.

But is that enough? Not really.

It’s time to #SwitchToNewHabits to fruit and vegetable detoxifiers! And we have two in one solution for you! Instead of investing in a fruit and vegetable detoxifier separately check out our EWI009- which has an inbuilt detoxifier.

Not only will it ensure that you’re drinking clean water but also take care of the fruits and vegetables you buy every day!

Purchase wisely because an efficient purchase goes a long way!

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