Back in 1992, first-ever World Oceans Day was celebrated and by 2008, June 8th was marked as “World Oceans Day” by the UN. The idea behind this event being- to highlight the role of the oceans in our day to day life. It’s only obvious that this day also allows us to facilitate action towards sustainably using marine resources and protect the oceans. So, one cannot overlook the importance of this glorious day.
We, humans, have been on a relentless quest out there. Sure, our curiosity is leading to major breakthroughs, but it’s evident that we have been exploiting every element of nature as much as possible. The wildlife is falling, forests are burning, and our oceans are choking due to waste and chemicals.
Oceans that cover 71% of earth’s surface are in a deteriorating condition, thanks to increasing pollution, plastic waste, climate change and release of industrial chemicals. The lungs of our planet are choking up due to the increase in unwanted elements caused by our ways of living and it’s about time we do something about it. Even a tiny step can go a long way.
This might come as a surprise to you, but these oceans are the chief source of oxygen. Hence, they also play a crucial role in regulating the climate as well as the weather. The water that evaporates from oceans comes to us in the form of rain, and rainwater is what we essentially use for drinking and farming.
Oceans are also responsible for providing life-saving medicinal compounds, like anti-inflammatory as well as anti-cancer drugs. Around 90% of the trade is done using sea routes which in turn creates more job opportunities for a good amount of the human population. So, it is exceptionally important for our economy. That said, the vast range biodiversity that oceans consist of is beyond amazing. So far, there are about 2,00,000 water species, and there’s a scope for identifying millions more.
Now, it’s our duty to take the necessary steps, especially on World Oceans Day, to ensure the health and wellness of our oceans. This year’s international oceans day theme is “Innovation for a sustainable ocean” wherein, innovations in all categories are welcome- as long as they provide some help to ensure sustainability for oceans.
This oceans day you can contribute to ocean science for sustainable development. Let’s protect and save our oceans by spreading more awareness. Although due to the prevailing situation, all this is possible only through digital platforms, we’ve got to make the most of it.
Spread more awareness, save our oceans!
Happy World Oceans Day!
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